
What are my options if I’m not paid my rightful amount for the hours I work?

For some context about the situation I work night shift in a warehouse and the pay is usually managed by day shift. We've had no issues so far, the fire registry is kept and our pays are based of the time wrote down for us. The night shift office does that small tiny bit of work. But for 2 nights we had a different night shift office staff who just happened to forgot to do the fire registry so day shift being as awkward as they are have decided to give us sheet of paper to write down our own times. This seems massively unnecessary as our times are wrote in the fire registry. Threats have been made next to these new wasteful sheets of paper that if we don't sign in the times we don't get paid despite the fact our times our kept on the fire registry. I…

For some context about the situation I work night shift in a warehouse and the pay is usually managed by day shift.

We've had no issues so far, the fire registry is kept and our pays are based of the time wrote down for us. The night shift office does that small tiny bit of work.

But for 2 nights we had a different night shift office staff who just happened to forgot to do the fire registry so day shift being as awkward as they are have decided to give us sheet of paper to write down our own times.

This seems massively unnecessary as our times are wrote in the fire registry.

Threats have been made next to these new wasteful sheets of paper that if we don't sign in the times we don't get paid despite the fact our times our kept on the fire registry.

I confronted day shift office about it this morning to which she acted like a child and threatened to not pay us if we don't do it despite the fact its entirely pointless to do it.

Essentially our times are wrote down already and she wants us to write it again on a separate piece of paper for each individual staff member.

Already pushed to our limits on night shift we aren't putting up with any more shit.

But in the event she genuinely doesn't pay us for either that one day or the rest of this month what are my options if she hasn't actually paid us.

When I go into work tonight I'm ripping those sheet down because it's nonsensical. The fact she's threatening to not pay us is to say the least concerning.

I should be able to come into work and do my job and go home knowing I'm getting paid but instead we're being threatened by some petty brat pushing her personal issues onto us.

This has been quite a rant and it could very well de escalate and not turn into anything serious but to be absolutely sure it'd be best to be aware of my options in case anything does happen involving my pay.

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