
make less to work more? no thanks

I've been working for one of the world's largest companies for nearly a year. I currently work 3 x 12 hour shifts, making $19.05/hr (2.90 of which is differentials for working weekend graveyard shifts). Minimum wage in my state is $11, so I essentially work the highest unskilled labor job around. Even so, we have 150% turnover from extremely poor treatment by management. I recently applied for a promotion, that I'm already doing uncompensated and far over qualified for anyway. Did the interview, received the offer: $20/hr for manager level position. I would be moved to a standard 5 x 8 hour week, robbing me of all extra pay and days off. Not to mention, I would actually lose money on just gas spent commuting. And for the kicker, I would've had to relocate 2000 miles away with zero assistance, with only 4 days notice. I tried asking for more…

I've been working for one of the world's largest companies for nearly a year.
I currently work 3 x 12 hour shifts, making $19.05/hr (2.90 of which is differentials for working weekend graveyard shifts).
Minimum wage in my state is $11, so I essentially work the highest unskilled labor job around. Even so, we have 150% turnover from extremely poor treatment by management.

I recently applied for a promotion, that I'm already doing uncompensated and far over qualified for anyway.
Did the interview, received the offer: $20/hr for manager level position.
I would be moved to a standard 5 x 8 hour week, robbing me of all extra pay and days off. Not to mention, I would actually lose money on just gas spent commuting.
And for the kicker, I would've had to relocate 2000 miles away with zero assistance, with only 4 days notice.
I tried asking for more time so I could not be homeless there. Not a chance, they need me to start immediately. Position has been posted for 3 months already, probably because they keep offering this same crappy deal.

I knew companies were out of touch, but CHEESE AND RICE, they're not even on this planet anymore.
Clearly, I turned down the offer. I'm now just doing the bare minimum while looking for a less abusive employer.
Wish me luck!

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