
DoorDashed to an old job the other day

I doordashed to an old restaurant job the other day, that I walked out on 7 years ago because I had math homework. I was already working a double that day, had been working doubles all weekend, and the manager wanted me to work even MORE just because he didn’t want someone else to go into overtime. I said “no, I have math homework that’s due tonight at midnight, I already finished my shifts, I already prioritized work over school enough this weekend, I’m going to have to grind tonight to get it all done”. He said “I don’t care about your math class, if you walk out then don’t come back” and I said “Fine, bye, passing my class is more important”. Had another restaurant job within the week. (Haven’t worked in restaurants for years now though) So anyway, I Doordash there the other day and the same manager…

I doordashed to an old restaurant job the other day, that I walked out on 7 years ago because I had math homework. I was already working a double that day, had been working doubles all weekend, and the manager wanted me to work even MORE just because he didn’t want someone else to go into overtime. I said “no, I have math homework that’s due tonight at midnight, I already finished my shifts, I already prioritized work over school enough this weekend, I’m going to have to grind tonight to get it all done”. He said “I don’t care about your math class, if you walk out then don’t come back” and I said “Fine, bye, passing my class is more important”. Had another restaurant job within the week. (Haven’t worked in restaurants for years now though)

So anyway, I Doordash there the other day and the same manager I walked out on is still working there. A bartender that I used to work with was there, and he started chatting with me about all the changes since I had been gone. Word got to the kitchen that I was there, and the kitchen manager that I quit on walked out to the front and started trying to get chummy with me to hire me back – I said no thanks (I’ll never step foot in a kitchen again) and said oh hey, I passed that math class btw! He didn’t really respond and just started passive aggressively saying “well I gotta get out of here, my job isn’t like Doordash, I’ve been here for 15 hours”. Good for you buddy, you chose that life, don’t be sore at me because I found a less stressful way to make money.

(Ironically, my IT degree didn’t do much for me either, don’t even get me started on how that industry treats entry level workers that are female and have kids)

Just thought I’d share.

Related: I also found out one of my other kitchen managers that was working there at the time got busted for sending dick pics to underage girls, and apparently other worse things that the bartender didn’t want to say out loud (probably because he had customers) but just said “and even more severe things than that”.

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