
To test my skills, a potential employer made me go through 53 pages of jargon and heavy word count documents to fix, only to not hire me.

This company wanted to see if I can do what my resume said I can do, which is fine and normal. But then proceeded to send me an extremely heavy jargon-filled 53 page document to go through. I really wanted to be hired with this company so I naively proceeded to go through the whole thing. It look me a solid eight hours to do this and the payoff of getting the job seemed high, and then I didn't get the job. My interview also went well with the hiring manager saying they liked me and what I can do. An employer can find out quite easily in my field with a 10 page document if the skills necessary are present in a potential hire. Fool me once, shame on you but I won't be fooled twice. To say I've learned from this is an understatement, never again.

This company wanted to see if I can do what my resume said I can do, which is fine and normal. But then proceeded to send me an extremely heavy jargon-filled 53 page document to go through. I really wanted to be hired with this company so I naively proceeded to go through the whole thing. It look me a solid eight hours to do this and the payoff of getting the job seemed high, and then I didn't get the job. My interview also went well with the hiring manager saying they liked me and what I can do.

An employer can find out quite easily in my field with a 10 page document if the skills necessary are present in a potential hire.

Fool me once, shame on you but I won't be fooled twice. To say I've learned from this is an understatement, never again.

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