
I wanna build my work environment…

I work at a gallery inside a sorta renovated gym. The breakroom is upstairs in a dance room with the lighting is dim and the mirrors are still on the wall with two tables. Now I want to do more for the break room. We had someone bring in a coffee machine, someone brought in a microwave and someone brought a fridge. I want to bring in community snacks and start snack fund, that would cover water, snacks coffee, and tea as well as community birthdays. (We already celebrate people’s birthdays) But no one wants to chip in and I don’t understand why. It would better the work environment and give people a boost throughout the day. Cause customers are difficult sometimes. Oh and it will increase the overall sense of community. Making it easy to work together and increasing the likely hood of shift coverage. What do you guys…

I work at a gallery inside a sorta renovated gym.

The breakroom is upstairs in a dance room with the lighting is dim and the mirrors are still on the wall with two tables.

Now I want to do more for the break room. We had someone bring in a coffee machine, someone brought in a microwave and someone brought a fridge.

I want to bring in community snacks and start snack fund, that would cover water, snacks coffee, and tea as well as community birthdays.

(We already celebrate people’s birthdays)

But no one wants to chip in and I don’t understand why. It would better the work environment and give people a boost throughout the day. Cause customers are difficult sometimes. Oh and it will increase the overall sense of community. Making it easy to work together and increasing the likely hood of shift coverage.

What do you guys think? This is my first job and I’ve been hearing “what makes work environments better” type talk just about my whole life. Am I saying something wrong?

I also was thinking about bringing in snacks and such regardless with my own money. But I have had people to tell me not to do that…

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