
what about commuting cost a business expense?

I know people who commute more than an hour one way just to get to work. That costs a lot of money both in gas and vehicle maintenance. So, what could we do to make it so we could write off that stuff as a business expense, since it's what allows the business to function at all? Does anyone have some other ideas for how to get commutes paid for? Sorry if this has been said before, I just thought it would be cool if we could get the cost of our commutes subsidized, and it would definitely build equality since the poorest folks live the furthest out. We could also incentivize people to use the bus/train by giving free commuter passes, or larger tax breaks, though I'm not sure how enforceable the latter would be. Thoughts?

I know people who commute more than an hour one way just to get to work. That costs a lot of money both in gas and vehicle maintenance. So, what could we do to make it so we could write off that stuff as a business expense, since it's what allows the business to function at all? Does anyone have some other ideas for how to get commutes paid for?

Sorry if this has been said before, I just thought it would be cool if we could get the cost of our commutes subsidized, and it would definitely build equality since the poorest folks live the furthest out.

We could also incentivize people to use the bus/train by giving free commuter passes, or larger tax breaks, though I'm not sure how enforceable the latter would be.


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