
Let’s Hope it’s Changing for Good!

After the Great Resignation ​ “It was Anthony Klotz, professor of business administration at Texas A&M University, who last year coined the term ‘the great resignation’. What the data suggests is that people are leaving their jobs in record numbers: between August and October in 2021, some 13 million people left their jobs in the US, with some 2.4 million ‘excess retirements’ (more people leaving work than is usual) also being recorded. A similar effect has been noted across Europe.”

After the Great Resignation

“It was Anthony Klotz, professor of business administration at Texas A&M University, who last year coined the term ‘the great resignation’. What the data suggests is that people are leaving their jobs in record numbers: between August and October in 2021, some 13 million people left their jobs in the US, with some 2.4 million ‘excess retirements’ (more people leaving work than is usual) also being recorded. A similar effect has been noted across Europe.”

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