
Why is working a lot so exhausting even if the work isn’t physically intense and/or mentally demanding?

Not sure if this is the right place for this but given that it involves feeling better from doing less work I figured it might be relevant here. Also, I don't live in the US and so our working conditions (especially for the jobs I mention in this post) are generally quite pleasant and considerate and fair. ​ So I generally work as a substitute teacher 5 days a week and then work an extra 2 hours on 3-4 days as a private tutor. Substitute teaching at my school generally isn't all that demanding, I mainly just supervise and they work independently; which requires little to no effort/intervention on my part at all. My private tutoring business is my little passion project that I greatly enjoy doing and find fulfilling but even though it doesn't take up much extra time, adding it to my schedule has made me feel a…

Not sure if this is the right place for this but given that it involves feeling better from doing less work I figured it might be relevant here.

Also, I don't live in the US and so our working conditions (especially for the jobs I mention in this post) are generally quite pleasant and considerate and fair.

  • So I generally work as a substitute teacher 5 days a week and then work an extra 2 hours on 3-4 days as a private tutor.
  • Substitute teaching at my school generally isn't all that demanding, I mainly just supervise and they work independently; which requires little to no effort/intervention on my part at all.
  • My private tutoring business is my little passion project that I greatly enjoy doing and find fulfilling but even though it doesn't take up much extra time, adding it to my schedule has made me feel a lot more drained.

We just had a 3 day weekend (public holiday) and I was astonished at how much better I felt and how much more refreshed I was just from an extra day off.

So I was curious why working a lot can be so physically and mentally draining and have a very noticeable impact on my ongoing mental health even if the work itself isn't very demanding at all?

Like for substitute teaching, I wouldn't be doing too much different than I would at home on my extra day off, except for a bit more accountability to step in if required.

I've done 7 day work weeks in the past (similarly low level effort/stress/energy jobs, before I added tutoring) and while I can manage it for a couple of weeks, I can't sustain it for long before I become a complete zombie.

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