
Don’t be afraid to share your salary with others

Full disclosure. I'm a capitalist (pig). I own a couple companies. I try to pay my employees fairly. And yes, I'm fully aware most of you here hate people like me. I still consider myself part of this movement. Years ago back when I was an employee before I quit and started my own businesses, I got hired by an engineering firm along with another guy. We were same age, same resume, same experience level, pretty much same everything. We both worked there for years. Then a manager position came up and I got promoted. I started managing a team of engineers including that guy. This was when I found out that when we got hired his pay offer was so much higher than mine that even with the pay bump from the promotion I was still making less than him. I'm Asian American. I'm sure you all have heard…

Full disclosure. I'm a capitalist (pig). I own a couple companies. I try to pay my employees fairly. And yes, I'm fully aware most of you here hate people like me. I still consider myself part of this movement.

Years ago back when I was an employee before I quit and started my own businesses, I got hired by an engineering firm along with another guy. We were same age, same resume, same experience level, pretty much same everything. We both worked there for years. Then a manager position came up and I got promoted. I started managing a team of engineers including that guy. This was when I found out that when we got hired his pay offer was so much higher than mine that even with the pay bump from the promotion I was still making less than him.

I'm Asian American. I'm sure you all have heard the stats that Asian Americans score higher than our white counterparts but make less than them. Well, I fit perfectly into this trend. To this day, I still couldn't believe they lowballed me like that and I accepted it. It was when I started to look for an exit strategy from the corporate w2 life.

I know our culture makes it a taboo to tell each other how much we make. Stop feeling uncomfortable about telling others how much you get paid. This culture is what allows big corporations to take advantage of the employees. Be open about your pay. It is the only way to fight against unfair wages in the work place.

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