
Let’s brainstorm realistic ways to live well without working too hard.

My ultimate goal in life is having a stress-free lifestyle where I don't have to worry about going hungry or not having medical care in the US. I have dual citizenship from Spain so I've thought about moving abroad if that is what it takes to live a better life without the struggles from the United States. I currently live with my parents, but if I were to live on my own I'd live a miserable life paycheck to paycheck with tough working conditions. I am tempted to find a solution that involves moving somewhere where the government peovides you welfare and you don't have to struggle as much to get by.

My ultimate goal in life is having a stress-free lifestyle where I don't have to worry about going hungry or not having medical care in the US. I have dual citizenship from Spain so I've thought about moving abroad if that is what it takes to live a better life without the struggles from the United States. I currently live with my parents, but if I were to live on my own I'd live a miserable life paycheck to paycheck with tough working conditions. I am tempted to find a solution that involves moving somewhere where the government peovides you welfare and you don't have to struggle as much to get by.

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