
Got fired for working too slow.

Hello everyone. This is my first time posting here. So I don’t know if this post belongs here. And pardon my English. I’am 24 years old. Born and raise in Canada. Graduate from High School but didn’t go to college. Slow learner for me. As you can see. That I was fired for working slow at some marijuana company for about three weeks. Apparently I was working a bit slow when it comes to cutting the stems or plucking the leaves. So they put me in processing. But here’s the thing. The supervisor or leadership NEVER told me anything about the way I work. So I assume I was doing all right. If they at least tell me what I was doing wrong, show me an example, give me an advice or give me a chance. Maybe I would work a little faster and understand. I did receive training but…

Hello everyone. This is my first time posting here. So I don’t know if this post belongs here. And pardon my English.

I’am 24 years old. Born and raise in Canada. Graduate from High School but didn’t go to college. Slow learner for me. As you can see. That I was fired for working slow at some marijuana company for about three weeks. Apparently I was working a bit slow when it comes to cutting the stems or plucking the leaves. So they put me in processing. But here’s the thing. The supervisor or leadership NEVER told me anything about the way I work. So I assume I was doing all right. If they at least tell me what I was doing wrong, show me an example, give me an advice or give me a chance. Maybe I would work a little faster and understand. I did receive training but that was on the computer. I need at least some hands on training for me to better understand but nah they just threw me with the plants. Which BTW. It’s hard for me to understand plants.

Anyway. My dad was the one that recommended this job since he works there. He said it’s easy. Which it is. But my slow work apparently got in the way. If only the supervisor gave me an explanation. Then maybe I’ll understand a bit more. But hey. I didn’t want to work too fast. I could be damaging the plants. And people loves them weed.

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