
Interested in moving away from the city – anti work type opportunities?

I'm trying to find out what possible opportunities could be available to me, but I'm struggling to even find the correct search terms to begin researching. This also may not be the correct subreddit, and I'd welcome being pointed in the right direction. Context: single parent with one kiddo, three cats, sick of the big city and looking for realistic ways to move to and live in a small (

I'm trying to find out what possible opportunities could be available to me, but I'm struggling to even find the correct search terms to begin researching. This also may not be the correct subreddit, and I'd welcome being pointed in the right direction.

Context: single parent with one kiddo, three cats, sick of the big city and looking for realistic ways to move to and live in a small (<30k pop.) town. I don't have the training or education for the typical tech jobs and even if I did I have no interest in it. I keep quitting bs jobs that make me feel gross and rarely pay all the bills anyways. I have no interest in sending my child to a daycare or school with underpaid workers that are burnt out. All I want is to live in a quiet town, with a slower pace and spend my time raising my kid and being a helpful part of a smaller community.

Additional possibly relevant info, I've lived in places with a population size from 5k to 750k. I know small towns aren't perfect and have their drawbacks. I'm looking for something south of Olympia WA and north of Grants Pass OR.

I'm wondering if there's a possibility for a property guardian position or maybe even a farm hand position with reduced room and board, but that would allow my child and cats?
I know that's still 'work' and again I realize this may not be the correct place to post.

I'd greatly appreciate hearing if anyone has suggestions or pointers that I may not have considered!

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