
To all Tesla employees

A buddy and I surmise that this latest Musk stunt might just be a bid to downsize the Tesla workforce without having to pay severance/unemployment. Consider this – Musk’s brand is incredibly toxic right now. He’s basically all-in for the far right and appears to be on anti-kaizen crusade to outdo himself in unhinged petulance. So my advice – If you work for Tesla and you’re not going to stand for this “back to office” BS, DON’T QUIT. Be as agreeable as possible, just don’t return to the office. Use any/every excuse in the book and make the bastards fire you. Proceed to collect unemployment, detox, take some time for yourself and your hobbies, then find alternative gainful employment that promotes a healthy work/life/commute balance.

A buddy and I surmise that this latest Musk stunt might just be a bid to downsize the Tesla workforce without having to pay severance/unemployment.

Consider this – Musk’s brand is incredibly toxic right now. He’s basically all-in for the far right and appears to be on anti-kaizen crusade to outdo himself in unhinged petulance.

So my advice – If you work for Tesla and you’re not going to stand for this “back to office” BS, DON’T QUIT. Be as agreeable as possible, just don’t return to the office. Use any/every excuse in the book and make the bastards fire you. Proceed to collect unemployment, detox, take some time for yourself and your hobbies, then find alternative gainful employment that promotes a healthy work/life/commute balance.

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