
I left my job without leaving two weeks, I feel real bad about it but I don’t regret it.

I worked at Ingles from march to now as a Produce Clerk in the produce department. I loved that position and I would clean things that hadn’t been cleaned for who knows how long. Sometimes we wouldn’t have rags to clean with so I waited for the produce to lower a bit before restocking it before I left. I also made sure to mark down the greens that would expire in 2 days with 99 cents as I was supposed to. What I am trying to say is I went above and beyond what I was supposed to do with the cleaning and re-organizing clutter and I want just lazing around. One day my manager tells me there is going to be a change in how things work in the department. He tells me that in a week I was going to work up front and leave the produce department.…

I worked at Ingles from march to now as a Produce Clerk in the produce department. I loved that position and I would clean things that hadn’t been cleaned for who knows how long. Sometimes we wouldn’t have rags to clean with so I waited for the produce to lower a bit before restocking it before I left. I also made sure to mark down the greens that would expire in 2 days with 99 cents as I was supposed to. What I am trying to say is I went above and beyond what I was supposed to do with the cleaning and re-organizing clutter and I want just lazing around. One day my manager tells me there is going to be a change in how things work in the department. He tells me that in a week I was going to work up front and leave the produce department. I begrudgingly agreed because what was I supposed to say, it was already in action. The reason I got put up front is because they filled 2 shopping cars full of expired dressing and drinks and blamed it on me. The reason why none of that was done in the 3 months I had been there is because I was never told to or taught how to do it because they are marked differently. The co-manager lied about me “refusing” to do the dates on the drinks and dressings and it kinda pissed me off but I was optimistic on what the front would be like. Now by this time I had made friends throughout the department and I didn’t want to quit but on that day that I started being a bagger of all things it struck a nerve. I absolutely did not want to be a bagger and throughout the day I had messaged my previous manager to put me back in produce and after that I asked him how to send a two weeks notice. He was disappointed to see me go but understood why sense he was planning on leaving sometime too. I finish my shift and go home for the night pissed about the day, my “new job,” and the over all 90 degree heat. When I got home I called the store and let them know I am no longer coming in.

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