
I just put in my resignation

Honestly, that was the hardest part. Whatever happens now is out of my hands in terms of this job. I’ve spent 3 years being overworked and underpaid, and now I have an end date. I refuse to allow my life to be something that happens to me – I’m taking control of what I do and who I am. I’m shitting bricks about not having an immediate next job, but I can’t even begin to explain how relieved I am. The cat and I (mostly me, he couldn’t care as long as he gets pets) are relaxed and content, and whatever comes next will be on my own terms. Just wanted to tell people – I hope everyone can have this level of relief and joy soon!!

Honestly, that was the hardest part. Whatever happens now is out of my hands in terms of this job. I’ve spent 3 years being overworked and underpaid, and now I have an end date. I refuse to allow my life to be something that happens to me – I’m taking control of what I do and who I am.

I’m shitting bricks about not having an immediate next job, but I can’t even begin to explain how relieved I am. The cat and I (mostly me, he couldn’t care as long as he gets pets) are relaxed and content, and whatever comes next will be on my own terms. Just wanted to tell people – I hope everyone can have this level of relief and joy soon!!

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