
24 Years of Toiling, and I’m Finally Jaded.

I've been working for 24 years. I've always been a hard worker, enthusiastic, and motivated. Every place I've worked, I become the go-to man. Responsibilities pile up, and I agree to take on more work, help out, and do whatever it takes to get things done. Meanwhile, I have a co-worker who sleeps at her desk because she's hungover most days. But don't worry, the “supervisor” wakes her up for lunch. Two others are chain smokers, taking 17 smoking breaks a day. The “supervisor” can't make a decision to save her life, and has to defer to the nearest person for advice. Oh yeah, and her 15 minute breaks are never under 45. No one can make it through a full 40 hours without leaving early, arriving late, or calling off. Last week, a co-worker hooked up a hose to the building and decided to wash her truck. On the…

I've been working for 24 years. I've always been a hard worker, enthusiastic, and motivated. Every place I've worked, I become the go-to man. Responsibilities pile up, and I agree to take on more work, help out, and do whatever it takes to get things done.

Meanwhile, I have a co-worker who sleeps at her desk because she's hungover most days. But don't worry, the “supervisor” wakes her up for lunch. Two others are chain smokers, taking 17 smoking breaks a day. The “supervisor” can't make a decision to save her life, and has to defer to the nearest person for advice. Oh yeah, and her 15 minute breaks are never under 45. No one can make it through a full 40 hours without leaving early, arriving late, or calling off. Last week, a co-worker hooked up a hose to the building and decided to wash her truck. On the clock.

In four years at my current job, I've taken on another department and had multiple job aspects tacked on to the responsibilities I was hired to perform. Compensation? You're kidding, right? Just the basic cost of living and a little incentive for taking on a second department. It's now all eaten up in gas, as I spend 2 hours on the daily commute, and rent is going bonkers.

So, my advice… Do not willingly accept more responsibility. Volunteer nothing. Do the minimal amount required to keep your job. Stop caring. I'd be in just about the same monetary position had I never applied myself. This is not how humans were meant to spend their lives–in constant irritation and frustration.

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