
Should checking for references be Illegal in U.S?

I think reference checking is good for those into research, data, etc. Doesnt reference check discriminate those who been out of work, people trying to get back on their feet doing good work? I had an employer through Skill Survey ask for 5 references. 2 have to be managers before they give me the offer. It took a week to get them all. I am still waiting for the job offer almost a week. Im still working in the mean time. I really want that job. ​ I heard in medical school you need at least 3. This morning I hade an interview with an employer that was all casual work place and all I had to do was show them my software design portfolio and go through it. They asked me If I would relocate.

I think reference checking is good for those into research, data, etc. Doesnt reference check discriminate those who been out of work, people trying to get back on their feet doing good work? I had an employer through Skill Survey ask for 5 references. 2 have to be managers before they give me the offer. It took a week to get them all. I am still waiting for the job offer almost a week. Im still working in the mean time. I really want that job.

I heard in medical school you need at least 3. This morning I hade an interview with an employer that was all casual work place and all I had to do was show them my software design portfolio and go through it. They asked me If I would relocate.

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