
retire you boom boom baby

I am so sick of seeing old ass retired people working entry level jobs for younger people. The drink cart guy at the golf course was 80 years old. Literally holding a job that has been traditionally held by younger folks earning tips for college etc. I bought nothing from had it been an attractive attendant. I would have. Sorry it’s the truth. Nobody wants to work because BOOmers won’t retire and they keep taking jobs designed for entry level workers ie teenagers and college kids. Retire already and free up the jobs for the next person.

I am so sick of seeing old ass retired people working entry level jobs for younger people.

The drink cart guy at the golf course was 80 years old. Literally holding a job that has been traditionally held by younger folks earning tips for college etc.
I bought nothing from had it been an attractive attendant. I would have. Sorry it’s the truth. Nobody wants to work because BOOmers won’t retire and they keep taking jobs designed for entry level workers ie teenagers and college kids. Retire already and free up the jobs for the next person.

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