
How do you cope with knowing this is it, forever?

At the ripe old age of 20, I want to die every day. I work at a fucking library. Tomorrow, our summer programs begin and I'm working 10-7. My whole day will be wasted running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Nobody gives a fuck about our safety. A few years ago, my coworkers had to shovel a DUMP TRUCK FULL of sand all day during a heat warning. They had heat exhaustion and nobody gave a shit. We've been made to operate a cotton candy machine with our hands, and it hurt when we'd accidentally touch the hot spinning motor in the middle. And there's the other stuff I can't even begin to go into. I hate spending most of my waking hours at work. And I know that this will be it for the rest of my life. Anything else would also eat me up…

At the ripe old age of 20, I want to die every day. I work at a fucking library. Tomorrow, our summer programs begin and I'm working 10-7. My whole day will be wasted running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

Nobody gives a fuck about our safety. A few years ago, my coworkers had to shovel a DUMP TRUCK FULL of sand all day during a heat warning. They had heat exhaustion and nobody gave a shit. We've been made to operate a cotton candy machine with our hands, and it hurt when we'd accidentally touch the hot spinning motor in the middle.

And there's the other stuff I can't even begin to go into.

I hate spending most of my waking hours at work. And I know that this will be it for the rest of my life.

Anything else would also eat me up inside. It's the time spent away from family, away from living life. I understand that a lot of work is vital to the functioning of society as we know it. I'm not against people working. I value laborers and shit. But man, I wish we all got paid better and had time to ourselves. That's all I ask.

I didn't go to college. Anything I'd want to do would not pay much, to the point where it wouldn't be worth it. I wanted to be an elementary school art teacher but teachers are paid horribly here. Every single one of my sister's teachers had a weekend/summer job. They're all struggling. Overworked and overpaid, very few unions to be found.

How do you all do it? I know, I know hobbies exist. But how do you even find the energy to do anything except lay in bed when you're home?

Humans weren't supposed to be this way. I occasionally unironically really wish I lived in the middle of the woods, away from everything. Sometimes I think the Unabomber was right when he said the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster to the human race.

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