
Your local billionaire looks at you as they do a squirrel.

Slavery was bad. Society as a whole evolved past that. But on an species individual level, no such evolution has taken place. The type of person/mentality it takes to be a slave driver, still exists. Those types of human beings are still being born. Over time they have, as a group, collectively trickled their way up into the highest positions of capitalism and government. Pause and take a moment.. imagine how much you think a slave driver cared about one of their slaves, because that's how much a billionaire cares about you. This is not a wait it out, things will get better situation. Things will continue to worsen, despite any amount of protest or rhetoric. Revolution is the only answer. If you have a better answer please let us all know. -me

Slavery was bad. Society as a whole evolved past that.

But on an species individual level, no such evolution has taken place. The type of person/mentality it takes to be a slave driver, still exists. Those types of human beings are still being born.

Over time they have, as a group, collectively trickled their way up into the highest positions of capitalism and government.

Pause and take a moment.. imagine how much you think a slave driver cared about one of their slaves, because that's how much a billionaire cares about you.

This is not a wait it out, things will get better situation. Things will continue to worsen, despite any amount of protest or rhetoric.

Revolution is the only answer.

If you have a better answer please let us all know.


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