
what would you guys do if u were me? can I actually be in trouble for being sick?

Hey folks…so the past week I've been sick…kept going to work anyway as it was just a runny nose and cough and body aches and as we alllllll know corporate companies don't, aren't and won't be ok with people calling out for something so frivolous and despite it being a $14/hr Job that I bust my ass for with no thanks, recognition or overtime because I have a kid and am borderline homeless Even with 2 incomes of 14/hr and 38 hours a week (I'm full time but not allowed 40 hrs it'd too close to OT per company rules) well 2 days ago my 3 month old son started showing signs of being sick….took him to the doctor yesterday on my day off.. they Said because neither of us had fever it's just a cold but if either gets one we need to get covid tested….well last night my…

Hey folks…so the past week I've been sick…kept going to work anyway as it was just a runny nose and cough and body aches and as we alllllll know corporate companies don't, aren't and won't be ok with people calling out for something so frivolous and despite it being a $14/hr Job that I bust my ass for with no thanks, recognition or overtime because I have a kid and am borderline homeless Even with 2 incomes of 14/hr and 38 hours a week (I'm full time but not allowed 40 hrs it'd too close to OT per company rules) well 2 days ago my 3 month old son started showing signs of being sick….took him to the doctor yesterday on my day off.. they Said because neither of us had fever it's just a cold but if either gets one we need to get covid tested….well last night my son got up at 2am all congested…my husband heard me get up and take him out then silence then shrieking and ran out to me half unconscious and baby falling off my lap…he took my temp and I had a fever…so I called my boss at 5am to tell her when my shift started at 9am ….. she hung up on me…then proceeded to tell me I'm full of crap for even using covid as an excuse since that's done and over now (her husband dropped dead from it and never even showed symptoms sp it's baffling to me that she keeps acting like covid is fake or over) and texted me to say we “needed to have a serious discussion ” ….now mind you…I have paid sick time …80 hours thar I'm entitled to…I've used 8 of those hours in 2 years and give all of it back every time…my question…does she have legal grounds to fire me? I know PA is an “at will” state…. but this company is the worst I'm dumbfounded how they got to be as big as they are with treating employees so badly (I'm still waiting for my paid 6 weeks of maternity leave I was promised but will now never see) they are literally running stores with one single employee and refusing to give them days off OR pay them for the OT they work…sadly I don't have any better options and if I lose this job I will Have to consider giving my kid to my family as I would be homeless with a 3 month old … idk what to do here and I'm really lost….anyone have suggestions? What would u guys do if u were me? (Ps…my son came positive for covid but I did not so she thinks it's crap I'm calling out and not just forcing him to go to daycare and get others sick like “normal” working people do ) I know I need a new job…but nothing in my area pays more and I don't have an actual degree …ppl keep telling me to work from home but it's all MLM stuff and I'm not getting scammed with that… I'm really defeated and lost

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