
Quit my job in healthcare yesterday, here is a photo of why

I work for a small company that partners with nursing homes, so I work in a healthcare clinic connected to the nursing home. My coworker and I have a great working relationship and split our work equally. We work 12 hours, two patient shifts and it’s a lot of work. We have our clinic organized how we like it, we are clean and tidy, and love our patients. We are constantly complimented on how we run our clinic and how much our patients love us. We both never call off or leave early. Corporate decided they only need one of us at the clinic which is a hell of a lot of work and the other person could drive around to other clinic to look for hours (in a bad area) so I quit. My sidekick will probably quit now too bc it’s too much work for one tech and…

I work for a small company that partners with nursing homes, so I work in a healthcare clinic connected to the nursing home. My coworker and I have a great working relationship and split our work equally. We work 12 hours, two patient shifts and it’s a lot of work. We have our clinic organized how we like it, we are clean and tidy, and love our patients. We are constantly complimented on how we run our clinic and how much our patients love us. We both never call off or leave early.

Corporate decided they only need one of us at the clinic which is a hell of a lot of work and the other person could drive around to other clinic to look for hours (in a bad area) so I quit. My sidekick will probably quit now too bc it’s too much work for one tech and just like that, they lost their best techs.

They are coming down because of the budget. They have overflow of PPE and refuse to buy more until we go through it. I wear size small and they’re forcing me to wear 7xl (seven!) until the company is totally out and then they will buy me small.

I run around like crazy and put needles in patients arms and there are so many things these gowns can get caught on. It’s unsafe and cruel to expect us to work in these… and our ac never works so it’s like 80 degrees in here.

Just one of many reasons why I’m quitting. Don’t even get me started on how I had a PT start to go unresponsive on me the other day and as I was struggling to get a blood pressure (bc it was so low and he was crashing) our nurse, who makes $25 more an hour than I do, was too busy scrolling Fb to get up and help me get the PT stable.

Or how the nursing home doesn’t clean our clinic and our company refuses to do anything so we come in an hour and a half early to sweep, mop, take out garbages and basically act as housekeeping.

Getting a job in horticulture working at a farm/nursery and I cannot wait. I can’t anymore with the healthcare field.

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