
Situation of work is just pathetic in India and it makes me really sad.

A friend of friend got his first job opportunity as a programmer after passing his college and he asked me if he should join it. He then told me the terms and conditions that made me laugh and cry at the same time. First condition was that there was a bond of 2.5 years meaning that he cannot leave that place for at least whole two and half years otherwise he will have to pay certain money to them and will not get any experience letter. Second was the pay. He would be working as intern for first six month and will NOT get paid. After that, 8000 Rs(Indian currency) per month. If I convert it into USD. It makes 102.98 USD/month. It's a six day week/ 9 hours per day job. And why would company give him yearly increment when they know that he can't leave for 2.5 years?…

A friend of friend got his first job opportunity as a programmer after passing his college and he asked me if he should join it. He then told me the terms and conditions that made me laugh and cry at the same time.

First condition was that there was a bond of 2.5 years meaning that he cannot leave that place for at least whole two and half years otherwise he will have to pay certain money to them and will not get any experience letter.

Second was the pay. He would be working as intern for first six month and will NOT get paid. After that, 8000 Rs(Indian currency) per month. If I convert it into USD. It makes 102.98 USD/month. It's a six day week/ 9 hours per day job. And why would company give him yearly increment when they know that he can't leave for 2.5 years?

Third was that he would have to give them a blank signed check. I asked my dad what can happen if he does that and he straight up told me that it's a fraud and company can write any amount and give it to the bank and can even use it for blackmail by making up the story that he gave them a check with a written amount and he doesn't have that money in account so he has to pay them no matter what.

There were no benefits or leave policy.

And still with hope in his eyes he asked me, should I join it? I told him no.

It made me real sad and furious from inside as how as a society we have failed him and countless others and this is how companies are straight up taking advantage of actual human beings. Because they know the fact that if he don't join it, there are million others who are ready. Just how selfish can one be?

It makes me sad that companies like this exist and there are actual people that are working there right at this moment when I'm writing this.

I love anti-work and it makes me so happy that workers are finally taking a stand for themselves including myself. But at the same time there are people who don't have this luxury just because there are already millions ready to take that position if they quit. And this is not an Indian problem, it's a world wide problem. And just how pathetic asshole that owner of company is when he would be getting richer due to my friend's work and my friend will not even get money for a one time meal. This makes me sad and makes me cry.

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