
Boss is not answering my time sensitive request about payment

I never get paid on the same day, it’s a different day each month, however it usually always comes within the first week so it hasn’t been a huge issue until now. My payment is not scheduled to come in until the 16th of this month. This is not doable for me, my budget for last month has already run out and waiting 2 weeks to be paid will fuck me up financially. I have therapy to pay for, and insurance bills and medications. I asked my boss via text if we could discuss changing the payment to within this week at 8am today, she has not responded. I sent another text at 3pm explaining that this is time sensitive and for her to please let me know some times she would be available today. Radio silence. This is fucking ridiculous.

I never get paid on the same day, it’s a different day each month, however it usually always comes within the first week so it hasn’t been a huge issue until now. My payment is not scheduled to come in until the 16th of this month. This is not doable for me, my budget for last month has already run out and waiting 2 weeks to be paid will fuck me up financially. I have therapy to pay for, and insurance bills and medications. I asked my boss via text if we could discuss changing the payment to within this week at 8am today, she has not responded. I sent another text at 3pm explaining that this is time sensitive and for her to please let me know some times she would be available today. Radio silence. This is fucking ridiculous.

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