
Disturbing Trend

I have been observing this disturbing trend, but lately it seems like it has gone to a new level. It is, companies, ie corporations, who keep shifting the labor cost from their employees to the customer, and of course not lowering prices in anyway to make up for the loss of service and their lower costs. So it started with stuff like the drive through and ok, that may be a little more convenient, but then we went to this nonsense of “U (YOU) Scan, the other day I went to shoprite at 10pm and they had ZERO cashiers only u-scan, I complained that I dont work there and I am not trained on the equipment and you dont pay me or give me a discount to be your cashier, and they tell me sorry after 11pm we only have U-scan, I said but it is 10PM now. Then at…

I have been observing this disturbing trend, but lately it seems like it has gone to a new level. It is, companies, ie corporations, who keep shifting the labor cost from their employees to the customer, and of course not lowering prices in anyway to make up for the loss of service and their lower costs. So it started with stuff like the drive through and ok, that may be a little more convenient, but then we went to this nonsense of “U (YOU) Scan, the other day I went to shoprite at 10pm and they had ZERO cashiers only u-scan, I complained that I dont work there and I am not trained on the equipment and you dont pay me or give me a discount to be your cashier, and they tell me sorry after 11pm we only have U-scan, I said but it is 10PM now. Then at work my account at a major bank got locked I called and argued for an hour with the bank about unblocking my account, they said they dont unlock accounts the other admin for our account at our company has to unlock me, I said she is our CFO, not our IT Department get me one of your IT employees to unlock me, and they keep saying no we dont un lock customers anymore you do it yourself…. What is next? I have to unload the trucks at the grocery store to get my groceries? I have to start flipping my own burgers at Wendy's????

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