
As a middle manager I have a firsthand view of how bleak things are getting

So i work a soulsucking shit salary job, and i recognize i am luckier than most to be able too. However if it were not for the people that work for me that i care about, I would have run out of the building screaming years ago. I still may. I do everything for my people. I pay bonuses out of pocket, get ubers, rides home, cheat the time clock for em, cover for em. Being a pro labor manager is rare and I do what good i can where I can. I sit in the executive meetings and see the amount of money the company makes, and then i am pressured to fire people, simply to “shake up the office and not let anyone get comfortable”. I have had more employees cry despondent tears than I can count. They cant pay their bills. A relatives sickness affecting childcare, a…

So i work a soulsucking shit salary job, and i recognize i am luckier than most to be able too. However if it were not for the people that work for me that i care about, I would have run out of the building screaming years ago. I still may.

I do everything for my people. I pay bonuses out of pocket, get ubers, rides home, cheat the time clock for em, cover for em. Being a pro labor manager is rare and I do what good i can where I can.

I sit in the executive meetings and see the amount of money the company makes, and then i am pressured to fire people, simply to “shake up the office and not let anyone get comfortable”. I have had more employees cry despondent tears than I can count. They cant pay their bills. A relatives sickness affecting childcare, a blown transmission, so many tiny little things completely throw their lives into tailspin.

I often think of the concept of a precariat when i work. And thats what my employees are. They are barely hanging on and are still the life blood of the organization. And the suits either do not care or have no earthly concept. I was told to fire someone who had a serious illness. I flat out refused and told them I would quit if they tried to make me. I have gotten several hints my time will be coming soon. I will stay as long as I can and do what good I can while I am there, but its hard to put to words how fucking bleak things are for the vast majority of workers in this country. I dont know when a tipping point will be reached but it cant be much longer. These people are paid well over min wage and have no prayer of living alone or having basic security or comfort.

Sorry for the rant but i had 3 people break down at work today, and the situations are more than I can help and its killing me. I truly fear for what is coming because I know my situation is far from an original story and millions are living like this.

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