
Manager Harassment

I work at a grocery store in the perishable department. I used to be the perishable manager (for 9 months last year) but it was too much stress and the management was horrible towards me. It was good pay, so I stepped down instead of quitting. We got a new store manager, he is okay. Very corporate and by the books. He is currently out the next 3 weeks for training. The assistant store manager is in charge and the problem. She has been for months and since I first start a year ago. She used to actually be the perishable manager but also stepped down cause it was too much stress. (Years ago, maybe 20 years perishable and 5 years assistant manager) It used to be just the meat department but around 5ish years ago I think. They added dairy and frozen. Well it’s a small department and we…

I work at a grocery store in the perishable department. I used to be the perishable manager (for 9 months last year) but it was too much stress and the management was horrible towards me. It was good pay, so I stepped down instead of quitting. We got a new store manager, he is okay. Very corporate and by the books. He is currently out the next 3 weeks for training. The assistant store manager is in charge and the problem. She has been for months and since I first start a year ago.

She used to actually be the perishable manager but also stepped down cause it was too much stress. (Years ago, maybe 20 years perishable and 5 years assistant manager) It used to be just the meat department but around 5ish years ago I think. They added dairy and frozen. Well it’s a small department and we have a high turn over rate. We have no dairy or frozen associate. My friend is the perishable manager and is burnt out just like I was from the assistant manager. She is extremely disrespectful.

I finally reported her anonymously through our HR hotline a few days ago, but I will give some examples just the last few days alone.

We have a high turn over rate, because a lot of my coworkers across all the departments are afraid to say anything. She will say horrible things to you and then an hour later act like nothing happens to make you feel bad and be afraid to call her out (if that makes sense….). Today alone she gossiped behind my back to an employee (favoritism and only gives her OT, we aren’t even allowed OT even though we are severely understaffed), shamed me for not working on frozen or finishing all my responsibilities, and when my perishable manager left she came in the room and told me he has to work a half shift tomorrow because his overtime was not approved.

This being because the grocery department helped our frozen section even though that was one day out of the seven. I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to snap at her since I was already upset since she said 10 other comments to me already. I said “uhm.” So I can think for a second. Then she started mocking me. I kid you not she started saying “uhm” and dragging it out twice. She criticizes all the work I do with no actual meaning behind it when it comes to cutting. Just insulting. Says I’m not doing enough even though I don’t take breaks, eat or go to the bathroom. I can’t have overtime but I have to work as fast I can but I’m not good enough. She also overwhelms me with tasks that’s not even my responsibility, If I say anything she attacks me verbally.

The day before she bullied me for cleaning up the frozen freezer instead of running part of the delivery. I did this so a vendor can drop off 3 ice pallets the next morning. It was a mess and there was no space since she threw things everywhere since she only likes to keep carts for the grocery department. It took me a while. She said it was my fault I should have finished sooner and she had to pay someone overtime to finish what I didn’t.

I have horrible anxiety and PTSD so sleeping is bad for me and I’ll be a few minutes late maybe once every few weeks. Surprise surprise was a couple days ago didn’t even give me time to explain myself just shamed me. She puts me me down and then acts like nothing happens. I don’t know what to do. Everyone feels the someway as I do. Please help.

TLDR: I like my job and get paid decent but horrible manager.

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