
The 40 hour week is ruining my life

With commuting and getting ready I spend 10 hours of my day away from home. Sleep/rest are 8 hours. Cooking, groceries, cleaning, showering, repairing things another 1-2 hours every day. In theory this leaves me with 4-5 hours of free time daily. But I am so tired after work that this time is reduced to like 2-3 hours. I dont manage anything anymore. I used to be in shape – now I am happy If I manage to train once a week. I used to read a lot of book – now I manage perhaps one a month – if I am lucky. Sometimes I just imgaine how much better all of humanity would have it if full time was 25/hours week. 5 hours a day is enough time to get a lot of work done – while leaving you with so much more free time and energy. We need…

With commuting and getting ready I spend 10 hours of my day away from home. Sleep/rest are 8 hours. Cooking, groceries, cleaning, showering, repairing things another 1-2 hours every day.

In theory this leaves me with 4-5 hours of free time daily. But I am so tired after work that this time is reduced to like 2-3 hours. I dont manage anything anymore. I used to be in shape – now I am happy If I manage to train once a week.

I used to read a lot of book – now I manage perhaps one a month – if I am lucky. Sometimes I just imgaine how much better all of humanity would have it if full time was 25/hours week. 5 hours a day is enough time to get a lot of work done – while leaving you with so much more free time and energy.

We need the 25/hour workweek.

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