
Has anyone started to notice this growing sentiment that “leadership” believes they “own” us?

I keep seeing more and more of it. They have the ear of the media, they control the largest networks and television and all forms of broadcast. And they are broadcasting indeed their thoughts and stance, they are attempting to shift sentiment, to spread propaganda. It's always been something of a superiority complex amongst executives and anyone granted some sort of leadership position, but lately, amongst the uber wealthy. People at the very highest positions in society, the morally intolerably, obscenely wealthy people who have benefited from thousands, tens of thousands of workers serving up, sacrificing, an unfair portion of the wealth we've created, these people have taken a stance, drawn a line, and are ordering your peasantry asses back into your boxes to serve them. It's this growing attitude, perhaps it's always been there, that they OWN you. Your sole purpose was to be in your place, serving them.…

I keep seeing more and more of it. They have the ear of the media, they control the largest networks and television and all forms of broadcast. And they are broadcasting indeed their thoughts and stance, they are attempting to shift sentiment, to spread propaganda.

It's always been something of a superiority complex amongst executives and anyone granted some sort of leadership position, but lately, amongst the uber wealthy. People at the very highest positions in society, the morally intolerably, obscenely wealthy people who have benefited from thousands, tens of thousands of workers serving up, sacrificing, an unfair portion of the wealth we've created, these people have taken a stance, drawn a line, and are ordering your peasantry asses back into your boxes to serve them. It's this growing attitude, perhaps it's always been there, that they OWN you. Your sole purpose was to be in your place, serving them. And now, they get on their media outlets, and stamp their feet, standing aloof looking down and demanding in spite of all the data that says otherwise, that it's better that you put back on your shackles, get in your cars, and drive to their properties where you will serve it up to them. Not because you're more productive with more flexibility in employment, more opportunities, no… but because they've got their hands in so many investments, including properties, restaurants, buildings, rent-seeking apartments, and all, and your flexibility, your mobility, your FREEDOM is cutting into THAT bottom line. But it's more than that. It's a loss of power, and that is intolerable from their perspective. For those that own others, power over them is of paramount importance and they'll say anything despite facts otherwise, they'll lie, cheat, manipulate even your government, your representatives, to restore that power over you.

I don't know what to tell you to do about this rising problem. It's a generational thing, just as their wealth is generational, and just as oppression is generational, their attitudes of their superiority to your inferiority are generational. So what do you do? I don't know. But I do know you deserve freedom and opportunity and hope just as much as they have. Stand strong.

In these growing financially distressing times, which were very much orchestrated, planned, and executed by brilliant economists and organizations. They've doubled the wealth of billionaires and severely reduced everyone's wages, purchasing power today, but lifetimes of purchasing power erased, empowering themselves even more! The numbers don't lie. This has been the largest heist I've seen in my lifetime. And I've been through this twice before. They are crushing us. Relentless. Oppressive. Morally intolerable.

Do not give up your freedom. Remember. They have no wealth, no dollars, no power, unless we all grant it to them.

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