
How do I notify leaders that my boss is terrible?

I’m the top salesperson out of 65 people. Woo hoo and whatever. But my boss is a micromanager (you need to make a sales call every 7 minutes) and regularly gaslights our team (‘that’s not what I said’). The whole team feels this way. I tried to ask one of the higher ups a couple of questions and she called me and told me to “be careful” because it all comes back to her. She won’t allow us to give anonymous feedback about her performance either. What can I do?

I’m the top salesperson out of 65 people. Woo hoo and whatever. But my boss is a micromanager (you need to make a sales call every 7 minutes) and regularly gaslights our team (‘that’s not what I said’). The whole team feels this way. I tried to ask one of the higher ups a couple of questions and she called me and told me to “be careful” because it all comes back to her. She won’t allow us to give anonymous feedback about her performance either. What can I do?

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