
Update: got fired (without any warnings or write ups) for taking Time off.

So in regards to this post here I did decide to go to find out the reason I was being let go. And it was for requesting vacation time. 2 days after my manager got back from her week long vacation. Yeah that’s right. I’ve got a few requests off here and there throughout the summer, but none of those requests are longer then 3 days MAX. My MANAGER apparently gets to take a week off last minute and that’s a-ok but god forbid I request 3 days off over 2 months in advance and I’m the asshole???? Yeah btw my old job REQUIRED we requested time off a MONTH in advance. Full 30 days. Got an important doctors appointment in 29 days and your a day late requesting it off? Sucks to be you!! (Btw we would only get our schedules a week beforehand) There were a few more…

So in regards to this post here I did decide to go to find out the reason I was being let go.

And it was for requesting vacation time.

2 days after my manager got back from her week long vacation.

Yeah that’s right. I’ve got a few requests off here and there throughout the summer, but none of those requests are longer then 3 days MAX. My MANAGER apparently gets to take a week off last minute and that’s a-ok but god forbid I request 3 days off over 2 months in advance and I’m the asshole????

Yeah btw my old job REQUIRED we requested time off a MONTH in advance. Full 30 days. Got an important doctors appointment in 29 days and your a day late requesting it off? Sucks to be you!! (Btw we would only get our schedules a week beforehand)

There were a few more tidbits about I’m not doing certain things (which she never trained me on) but that shits whatever.

The biggest nail in the coffin was this:

Something that was part of my job was to count cash every morning and night. We have a little cash bag under the front desk and every front desk employee has to count it at the start of their shift.

Easy enough right?

Well 2 employees NEVER do it. And cash has gone missing when they don’t (nothing super significant, like $20) I brought it up to my manager and she told me “there has been write ups”

It didn’t hit me till a few hours later. I’ve done nothing but use the PTO I was given BY MANAGEMENT, and I got fired without warning, but 2 people who actively steal cash only get WRITE UPS???????


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