
Losing work hours risk of losing Daycare

Boss sign a contract with workforce services saying they would give at least 32 hrs. I’ve been working 40 hrs the passed six months. Just finally qualified for benefits and they bumped me down to 24 hrs a week . To keep daycare I have to be at 32hrs or more. Is there anything I can to do fight for the hours my boss doesn’t want to give me ? Please help . What do I do? How do I contact a labor board . And what legal standing does that paper she signed hold on my hours ?

Boss sign a contract with workforce services saying they would give at least 32 hrs.
I’ve been working 40 hrs the passed six months. Just finally qualified for benefits and they bumped me down to 24 hrs a week .
To keep daycare I have to be at 32hrs or more.
Is there anything I can to do fight for the hours my boss doesn’t want to give me ?
Please help . What do I do? How do I contact a labor board . And what legal standing does that paper she signed hold on my hours ?

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