
At the end of my rope

I’m so done, I’m so sick of wasting my time and energy every day trying to make money just so I can survive. I got illegally evicted this month and it looks like there’s no way to stop it without putting money and time that I don’t have into fighting it in court. I’m looking for apartments and literally every single one in my area is over $1000/mo which is barely doable for myself or anybody I know. Half the places won’t even let me schedule a tour without proving I make 3x that (which I don’t). My partner makes even less than I do, I don’t know how we’re going to cover rent without asking for help from my family. I’m working two jobs- one I actually like and one I’ve been wanting to leave for months, but now I don’t know if I can quit it since I’ll…

I’m so done, I’m so sick of wasting my time and energy every day trying to make money just so I can survive. I got illegally evicted this month and it looks like there’s no way to stop it without putting money and time that I don’t have into fighting it in court. I’m looking for apartments and literally every single one in my area is over $1000/mo which is barely doable for myself or anybody I know. Half the places won’t even let me schedule a tour without proving I make 3x that (which I don’t). My partner makes even less than I do, I don’t know how we’re going to cover rent without asking for help from my family. I’m working two jobs- one I actually like and one I’ve been wanting to leave for months, but now I don’t know if I can quit it since I’ll need as much cash as I can get now that I have to move. I’ve been stealing my groceries because even when I get the bare minimum to feed myself for the week it’s too expensive. I’m so overwhelmed and hopeless, I want to drink again (been sober for 3 years) and give up on everything and just die. How am I supposed to live like this? There’s no relief in sight, nobody in government gives a shit or will do anything to help, it feels like everything is just going to keep getting worse. I’m a young guy, only 24, and I can’t imagine living the rest of my life this way but I’m already doing everything I can

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