
For those of you who chose a specific profession or trade and realized years into it that it wasn’t the right choice, what did you do?

Long story short I chose a trade thats very specific. I have no other skills other than what pertain to it. I am miserable. Im stuck and have no clue how to start over in my mid-30s. Id have to go from making $80,000 a year (which is fairly high for the state I live in) to possibly $30,000 a year if I were to hit reset and try to find another job. I really dont know what to do.

Long story short I chose a trade thats very specific. I have no other skills other than what pertain to it. I am miserable. Im stuck and have no clue how to start over in my mid-30s. Id have to go from making $80,000 a year (which is fairly high for the state I live in) to possibly $30,000 a year if I were to hit reset and try to find another job. I really dont know what to do.

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