
I don’t think we’re lazy. I think we need change and rest.

I don’t think we’re lazy or entitled. I think 2020 showed us that live isn’t meant to be lived this way. The world had pretty much stopped moving and we had a chance to stop, reflect and realise what life wasn’t about. Life wasn’t about working to make ends meet. Life is about making sure that when the end comes and it will come, we have something to look back with fond memories. I’ve neglected by partner, family, friends, dreams for the pursuit of money. Don’t get me wrong. Working to make money is needed. No money = no life. No work = no money. I get that. I understand that. But to what point do we trade our souls for money? Sometimes I regret the path I took. I’m not highly paid but for the work and shit i have to deal with, I should be compensated well. But…

I don’t think we’re lazy or entitled. I think 2020 showed us that live isn’t meant to be lived this way.

The world had pretty much stopped moving and we had a chance to stop, reflect and realise what life wasn’t about. Life wasn’t about working to make ends meet. Life is about making sure that when the end comes and it will come, we have something to look back with fond memories.

I’ve neglected by partner, family, friends, dreams for the pursuit of money.

Don’t get me wrong. Working to make money is needed. No money = no life. No work = no money. I get that. I understand that.

But to what point do we trade our souls for money?

Sometimes I regret the path I took. I’m not highly paid but for the work and shit i have to deal with, I should be compensated well. But there culture and environment says no, so fine.

I do believe we have a chance to reshape how work can and should be done.

Whether we stand together and “revolut” or start a company with new rules that ensures the past isn’t repeated. I do believe it’s possible.

I say it’s possible because it has to be possible. I’ve already sacrificed so much and I don’t have much to show to my family for the time I’ve given up and not been with them…

Or maybe I’m just need rest…

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