
I’m sick of it. Truly sick of work.

There’s always more to do and never enough time to clear the work. I used to think that I could make my boss happy. Finish up the work, hit the target, exceed it. Make my clients happy, make everything happy. Drain my soul as I need the money. Then I fell sick from covid. And new competitors kept entering the industry. I really “woke up”. It’s a never ending race which I’m more or less fine with, this is life. But fuck man, at least my employer could help us a bit right??? My boss would tell me that I’m fall behind my peers in terms of sales target. The higher ups would raise our targets and squeeze everyone’s balls. This is how the company is helping. A horrible idea and way to motivate the people. If I do well, you’ll say, then you can do more since you’re doing…

There’s always more to do and never enough time to clear the work.

I used to think that I could make my boss happy. Finish up the work, hit the target, exceed it. Make my clients happy, make everything happy. Drain my soul as I need the money.

Then I fell sick from covid. And new competitors kept entering the industry.

I really “woke up”. It’s a never ending race which I’m more or less fine with, this is life. But fuck man, at least my employer could help us a bit right???

My boss would tell me that I’m fall behind my peers in terms of sales target. The higher ups would raise our targets and squeeze everyone’s balls. This is how the company is helping. A horrible idea and way to motivate the people.

If I do well, you’ll say, then you can do more since you’re doing well!

In other words, whether I do well or not, you’ll still squeeze me until I puke and die.

Why should I work so hard? The promise of a bonus? The promise of a promotion? Covid taught us that nothing is a promise and what everything is a gamble. I only work for money but at this point, I’m tired and the more work I do, it’s actually not good for others (that’s my belief).

Companies went belly up. The rich got even richer and stuck us with the bill.

Companies have lied to us from the start. They cannot lie and pretend companies cared about us – very few companies actually do.

As someone in sales…. The company will only look after us if we bring in numbers, milk us like cows and when we’re burnt out or get into trouble, that’s when they discard us.

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