
Given a written warning for trying to resolve a situation with my coworker

Recently I was at work and I saw that my coworker wasn’t doing her share of the work and I felt it was unfair that I was the only one doing my job. I walked over to her and told her that I couldn’t be the only one doing the job and asked her if she could help more. I wasn’t rude, I didn’t raise my voice or get angry or anything. But she got angry at me and told me not to tell her to do her job. She started swearing and said she wanted to hit me across my face. I told her I was gonna go to our boss about it and that she couldn’t talk to me like that. So I did, I went to our boss and I was really upset and shaken about what just happened so I told him that I was sorry…

Recently I was at work and I saw that my coworker wasn’t doing her share of the work and I felt it was unfair that I was the only one doing my job. I walked over to her and told her that I couldn’t be the only one doing the job and asked her if she could help more. I wasn’t rude, I didn’t raise my voice or get angry or anything. But she got angry at me and told me not to tell her to do her job. She started swearing and said she wanted to hit me across my face.

I told her I was gonna go to our boss about it and that she couldn’t talk to me like that. So I did, I went to our boss and I was really upset and shaken about what just happened so I told him that I was sorry for the lack of notice but I wasn’t feeling good so I had to go home.

Today I found out I got a written warning for going to my coworker about the situation and trying to resolve it rather than going directly to my boss. Also I DID go directly to my boss as I said, but apparently it is against company policy to try and resolve situations with a coworker and that it’s necessary to go directly the boss instead. I never knew this was policy either but I wish I did. If I knew it was policy I wouldn’t have gone to my coworker in the way that I did. I’m also gonna read the employee guidebook more thoroughly to see if it mentions this policy at all. And now I have a written warning and if I get one more written warning, my employment with this company will be terminated. I don’t plan on getting another written warning but I never thought I’d get this one in the first place for starters but I did.

Does this seem unfair to anyone? Am I in the wrong? It feels super unfair to me and I’m clearly getting punished for this which feels wrong. I wanna go to HR about it because nothing about this feels fair.

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