
Feels Like I’ve Been Awaken From the Matrix

I've been around working for almost 20 years and seen some shit. By seeing shit I'm mainly talking about how business operates and deal with us, the “human resources”. After all these years I've seen most of the tricks and frankly I just don't trust anyone, anymore. It honestly feels like when Neo woke up in Matrix and realized it's all a lie and bullshit around him. I literally don't believe my manager saying it's Monday… on Monday. I assume he has some other agenda coming up, he's trying to screw me over something. Because I've been screwed by many, liars, hypocrites and straight up psychos ruining people's lives as their daily motive to get out of the bed. Everything around business and corporate life is a lie, it's matrix. I've seen CEOs doing a speech how good profits are and we'll be busy over our heads for years… only…

I've been around working for almost 20 years and seen some shit. By seeing shit I'm mainly talking about how business operates and deal with us, the “human resources”. After all these years I've seen most of the tricks and frankly I just don't trust anyone, anymore. It honestly feels like when Neo woke up in Matrix and realized it's all a lie and bullshit around him.

I literally don't believe my manager saying it's Monday… on Monday. I assume he has some other agenda coming up, he's trying to screw me over something. Because I've been screwed by many, liars, hypocrites and straight up psychos ruining people's lives as their daily motive to get out of the bed. Everything around business and corporate life is a lie, it's matrix.

I've seen CEOs doing a speech how good profits are and we'll be busy over our heads for years… only to issue hundred of redundancy letters the next week. They don't give a shit, their job is to act and keep you in your seat until the profit runs dry. Then they remove you as easy as they kill a cockroach. Middle managers acting as little Hitlers, literally abusing staff and getting away with it. Totally incompetent people being promoted because whatever bullshit reason… it's all a fucking theater of bullshit. Well dressed psychopaths talking business… it's insanity when you think about it!

Do not trust them no matter how nice or honest they seem! Even the nicest manager will choose his family and his job over your job when it comes to final numbers. The system is designed to support ruthless sociopaths, not nice friendly people. Do the bare minimum and never do more than required. You will be crushed sooner or later and nobody gives a shit how good worker you are. You are just a small cog in a big well oiled machine designed to squeeze money out of everything. Take care of yourself if you can and don't ever buy into the “we're family” crap.

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