
Scared to report my boss for violating company policy for dating his younger employees he is in charge of.

Hello. Anonymous account here because I need help and wanted to post this here without it getting back to me. I work for a very very large company all of you have heard of before. I work in one of thousands of locations. My manager at this company location has a habit of dating younger girls at the job who he is directly in charge of. This is 100% against company policy and nobody here has reported him yet because they are too scared. My job has an anonymous tip line but i myself am too scared to use it because i know someone from HR will hear the message and play it for him or be able to figure out my voice and retaliate against me. I am 100% sure about the accusations I am making. I have seen him now multiple times outside of work with this female…

Hello. Anonymous account here because I need help and wanted to post this here without it getting back to me. I work for a very very large company all of you have heard of before. I work in one of thousands of locations. My manager at this company location has a habit of dating younger girls at the job who he is directly in charge of. This is 100% against company policy and nobody here has reported him yet because they are too scared.

My job has an anonymous tip line but i myself am too scared to use it because i know someone from HR will hear the message and play it for him or be able to figure out my voice and retaliate against me. I am 100% sure about the accusations I am making. I have seen him now multiple times outside of work with this female employee (who is 20, he is 34) that alone is against policy and I’m sure there is more to it than I have seen.

What should I do in this situation? I can’t call this hotline myself I need my job but I can’t stand watching this manager continue to use his power to influence a younger girl. I just want to call and tell them that I have seen the two of them together but I fear retaliation.

What should I do? How can I report this anonymously?

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