
I just want to say that I really like to see how many people are realizing how bad the system is and wish that was the case in my country. [rant]

I'm from México, here people don't care about how bad work culture is in this country, every job here is a M-F 9hr shift + Saturday 5 hrs or a M-F 10 hr shift for very shit wages and everyone just thinks that's the only way it can be, we “work” the most hours of any OECD country and still have very low productivity, every job that adopted WFH during covid is getting rid of it now and public transportation is expensive, dangerous, slow and insecure, so commuting is completely stupid too, I waste 11 hours every day doing something I don't want and I'm already tired of it, I wish I could find a completely remote job even if it doesn't have anything to do with my degree just because I hate commuting, I actually like working I just hate being in an office and everything that comes with…

I'm from México, here people don't care about how bad work culture is in this country, every job here is a M-F 9hr shift + Saturday 5 hrs or a M-F 10 hr shift for very shit wages and everyone just thinks that's the only way it can be, we “work” the most hours of any OECD country and still have very low productivity, every job that adopted WFH during covid is getting rid of it now and public transportation is expensive, dangerous, slow and insecure, so commuting is completely stupid too, I waste 11 hours every day doing something I don't want and I'm already tired of it, I wish I could find a completely remote job even if it doesn't have anything to do with my degree just because I hate commuting, I actually like working I just hate being in an office and everything that comes with it.

I wish more people in this country realized how stupid work culture is in this country and organized to do something about it.

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