
Micromanagement at work?

Supervisor tells me that he noticed that I have been logging in a little bit early and heading out a little early. Although, I’m a non-exempt employee that I should stop doing that is it’s not fair to the “others.” My job is supposed to start at 8am and for reference sometimes I get to work at 7:55am and therefore leave at 3:55pm. We also only come to work two days a week and there’s practically no one in the office on days that I’m there so I don’t see what the issue is. It feels like I’m being micromanaged… their advice to me is to take those few extra minutes to get coffee or chat with people. What do you guys think?

Supervisor tells me that he noticed that I have been logging in a little bit early and heading out a little early. Although, I’m a non-exempt employee that I should stop doing that is it’s not fair to the “others.”

My job is supposed to start at 8am and for reference sometimes I get to work at 7:55am and therefore leave at 3:55pm. We also only come to work two days a week and there’s practically no one in the office on days that I’m there so I don’t see what the issue is.

It feels like I’m being micromanaged… their advice to me is to take those few extra minutes to get coffee or chat with people.

What do you guys think?

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