
Compassionate until inconvenient

For context, I’m in my 20s and work in-office at a business in North America. Last week I was diagnosed with cancer. I told my boss the same day since I knew I’d be out of commission at least for a day while I processed the information. Boss told me to take my time, as much as I needed, till I was ready to come in and work. I was out for a day and back in-office the next, nose to the grindstone for the rest of the week. Today was particularly difficult, and because my anxiety causes vomiting, I spent my morning crying and vomiting instead of getting ready for work. When I called my boss to ask to come in an hour later today, she didn’t answer but immediately texted me that I am needed in the office today and that I must come in. Even after explaining…

For context, I’m in my 20s and work in-office at a business in North America.

Last week I was diagnosed with cancer. I told my boss the same day since I knew I’d be out of commission at least for a day while I processed the information.

Boss told me to take my time, as much as I needed, till I was ready to come in and work. I was out for a day and back in-office the next, nose to the grindstone for the rest of the week.

Today was particularly difficult, and because my anxiety causes vomiting, I spent my morning crying and vomiting instead of getting ready for work. When I called my boss to ask to come in an hour later today, she didn’t answer but immediately texted me that I am needed in the office today and that I must come in. Even after explaining why I called and that I wasn’t taking the day off, just needed an extra hour, my boss was so far from the compassionate person I talked to last week about my diagnosis.

It just broke me. I can’t handle this, plus cancer, plus my deteriorating mental health. I can’t quit because I’ll need my health insurance in the coming months while I undergo treatment.

I don’t know where to go from here necessarily, but I felt like the people here would understand.

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