This story happened probably about 4-5 years ago at a chase bank call center.
I think I had been working at chase for about 3 years at this point when I got my got my 7th new manager. We will call him Dick.
Everyone had told me Dick was a asshole person, and a stickler for metrics. I figured we would be fine with this though because I was a great employee and went the extra mile 99% of the time. I had low call times, good adherence (taking breaks and lunches when I should) and good call qualities.
Well then shit happens. I got viral meningitis. It’s not deadly one (that’s bacterial meningitis, the one the shot does work for) but it still really sucks. If you haven’t heard of it go look it up. I ended up in the hospital for like a week and on bed rest for another week. Part of the time ended up being covered by short term FMLA but the people that did the FMLA decided I didn’t need two weeks, I only needed a week and 4 days. Problem was I really did need that extra day. I had gotten a spinal tap and the doctor kept missing my spine, so effectively I had gotten like 5 spinal taps. Needless to say I was in a lot of pain and not able to go back to work right away.
Well I end up going back to work. Because I missed a day even though I used sick time, it still counted against my adherence (they changed this I think). But I am still at a high meets for adherence so I figured given that I was in the hospital my manager would be understanding that for once I wasn’t at an exceeds expectations.
Boy was I wrong. One day I was sitting with my friend on my planed lunch break and we were chatting about our days when my manager comes up to us.
“Hey Iamfree25 you need to go back to your desk so you can meet your adherence goals for the month. Your numbers aren’t looking good.”
I was completely dumbfounded. I still had 5 minutes left on my 30 minute break and and I was .5 away from exceeds and I was like 4 whole point above a meets.
Not thinking I just went back with him and sat at my desk for the last five minutes of my lunch completely embarrassed that my manager came to get me and said that in front of my friend.
TLDR: My manager embarrassed me in front of my friend because after going to the hospital my numbers were in the second highest category not the highest.
Some other things Dick did.
My sister and her one year old were being held hostage at gun point by her abusive husband. Everything ended up fine and she asked if I could come over to be with her as she needed a friendly face as they hauled her husband off to jail. I texted my manager that I wasn’t going to be in. His response? That she wasn’t actively being held at gun point anymore and my priority should be work.
I asked him if I could get help with going to another department as the one I had been in was getting boring. His response? We can look into it if you can stop using FMLA. FMLA that was used 1-2 days a month even though I had been approved for 7 days. This was also about a week after he asked me what it was used for and 2-3 months before I heard him and another manager talking about how everyone who used FMLA was lying and how they wish they were allowed to fire us.
Those are just the ones I can think of right now. What’s your terrible manager story?