
“Are you sure you can handle this?”

So i got laid off my IT job. I have not been able to find anymore IT work because it seems entry level jobs want 10-15 years experience and even though I have some experience it is not enough. Living in socal my husband and I cant live on one income. So i started applying anywhere and everywhere. I landed a job at a manufacturing plant and the woman who dod the orientation kept grilling me and one other woman asking if we can handle the machines and the work. She also said it is very fast pace and made it sound doom and gloom. 30 people in orientation and a lot of them after she said how hard the job was left. When we actually got to the production floor it wasnt hard at all. “Fast pace” was more moderate pace. I spoke to my recruiter and she wondered…

So i got laid off my IT job. I have not been able to find anymore IT work because it seems entry level jobs want 10-15 years experience and even though I have some experience it is not enough. Living in socal my husband and I cant live on one income. So i started applying anywhere and everywhere. I landed a job at a manufacturing plant and the woman who dod the orientation kept grilling me and one other woman asking if we can handle the machines and the work. She also said it is very fast pace and made it sound doom and gloom. 30 people in orientation and a lot of them after she said how hard the job was left. When we actually got to the production floor it wasnt hard at all. “Fast pace” was more moderate pace. I spoke to my recruiter and she wondered why they could not retain people. I told her the orientation person made it sound like it was going to be hard. I will see how it goes home tomorrow

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