
A conspiracy theory that I believe to be true

Hey guys, first of all, I'm not a native speaker, so hopefully you can kind of understand my point while explaining. Second of all, sorry for the long text, I couldn't really make an TL;DR, since my point is quite heavy stuff to explain. This isn't necessarily only an antiwork conspiracy theory, but please hear me out. Recently I had corona and I was super bored and started thinking about something, that I now couldn't kick out of my head anymore. There is literally one thing, that all of us are scared of. And that is death. And that fear is a made up concept to strenghen economy and capitalism. Let me explain why. Why are we scared of death? Because literally everyone tells us we don't know whats after, but to be honest, every single one of us exactly knows whats after, because we've already experienced it by ourselves.…

Hey guys,

first of all, I'm not a native speaker, so hopefully you can kind of understand my point while explaining. Second of all, sorry for the long text, I couldn't really make an TL;DR, since my point is quite heavy stuff to explain.

This isn't necessarily only an antiwork conspiracy theory, but please hear me out.

Recently I had corona and I was super bored and started thinking about something, that I now couldn't kick out of my head anymore.

There is literally one thing, that all of us are scared of. And that is death. And that fear is a made up concept to strenghen economy and capitalism. Let me explain why.

Why are we scared of death? Because literally everyone tells us we don't know whats after, but to be honest, every single one of us exactly knows whats after, because we've already experienced it by ourselves.

Dying is basically not existing, right? So we DO KNOW what not existing feels like, since the planet exists for 3.5 billion years already and we haven't been existing for more than 2.8 million years at all (veeery early humans).

That means, that the feeling you have about not being born yet is exactly the same feeling with death. And what is that feeling? Exactly. Nothing. Because you weren't a concious being at all. You were not able to feel anything, because feelings only exist when you are existing. That explains the meaning of life in general by the way, there simply is none.

This being said, noone should be scared about death, because why would you be scared of not existing for an eternity, if you can't feel anything in this period of time at all?

Today I saw a post of “we're meant to have the same purpose as birds” and while I think this can be true to some extend, I don't fully agree with it. Because you still have to differ between birds and humans – and humans are out of the stage where you just go out and hunt your food or live on a tree. We need economy and to socialise to survive, at least we need doctors and stuff to not just die from any weird desease, same goes for food hunting and stuff. Evolution fucked our race over guys.

Now get this:

If everyone was aware about the HIGH irrelevance of our existence, then why would you waste your short period of time on this planet for being a workslave. It doesn't matter if you're a doctor, a teacher, whatever. Not only YOU will not live for the next BILLION of years, nor your students or patients will.

The more you think about, the clearer it gets to you. Earth right now is the closest to what religion tries to explain as “hell”. Suffering only exists because you know what GOOD feelings are. And feelings only exist in this short period of live time we are “gifted” as some might title it. People who are rich (not only wealthy people, of course there are other possibilities to be happy), will be close to whats called “heaven”. Because they mainly experience good feelings.

What are your thoughts about this?

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