
My current employer has been very wonderful through many avenues of my life but I need more money and feel guilty looking elsewhere..

Basically as the title says. About when I had my daughter work made an 8 week paid leave across the board for all parents, even adoption. Super amazing, when we shut down for COVID I was able to stay at home paid for 3 months because they wanted to keep us on the roster but couldn't use us. The only problem was my first department was training me for a promotion but when that time came they gave it to someone else, outside hire. I switched departments and moved a few hours away thankfully as there are several areas to work in this company. I steadily moved up over the next year into a promotion and 2 pay raises. It was nice but not enough as a main bread winner (wife does contract work and it's usually good but there are bouts of no pay). Anyway, work has been good…

Basically as the title says. About when I had my daughter work made an 8 week paid leave across the board for all parents, even adoption. Super amazing, when we shut down for COVID I was able to stay at home paid for 3 months because they wanted to keep us on the roster but couldn't use us. The only problem was my first department was training me for a promotion but when that time came they gave it to someone else, outside hire. I switched departments and moved a few hours away thankfully as there are several areas to work in this company. I steadily moved up over the next year into a promotion and 2 pay raises. It was nice but not enough as a main bread winner (wife does contract work and it's usually good but there are bouts of no pay).

Anyway, work has been good to me in all avenues but pay is pretty abysmal. Making like 40k. I was approached by a recruiter online and they want to interview me for a position at their corporate office looking over the river, and after 6 months of training I can work from home up to 70% of the time.

I feel guilty even thinking about it but it's logically the best move for me and my family. It's only a few dollars more but working from home is the big seller. Even one or two days a week would be life changing. My original idea is to get an official offer from competitor and bring it to my boss and see if they can at least match the pay, but I'm not sure, if I should. So I'd love advice please!

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