
I Did It – I’m Done Being Part of the Problem

I just left my supervisory position. My new position (different company) comes with lower pay; but I no longer have to kiss my boss’s asses, and I will no longer be told I have to get my team to do so much work that they get frustrated and burned out. The company makes enough money that they COULD offer better wages, especially if they expect a team to handle twice as much work with no increase in the team size. But they refuse. After a year, I got a $0.35 raise. My fellow supervisor in a neighboring department got A DIME. This is after tons of unrecognized hard work, bullying from uppers, and increasing our respective departments’ productivity and profitability. Eff that ish. I’m NOT exploiting my team any longer to line the upper echelon’s pockets while my team struggles to pay basic bills… Expect better. Find better. Do better.

I just left my supervisory position. My new position (different company) comes with lower pay; but I no longer have to kiss my boss’s asses, and I will no longer be told I have to get my team to do so much work that they get frustrated and burned out. The company makes enough money that they COULD offer better wages, especially if they expect a team to handle twice as much work with no increase in the team size. But they refuse. After a year, I got a $0.35 raise. My fellow supervisor in a neighboring department got A DIME. This is after tons of unrecognized hard work, bullying from uppers, and increasing our respective departments’ productivity and profitability. Eff that ish. I’m NOT exploiting my team any longer to line the upper echelon’s pockets while my team struggles to pay basic bills…

Expect better. Find better. Do better.

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