So today, I found out that we are having mandatory overtime….I’m pissed for several reasons.
1) we ran out of supplies for my specific area and they had us cross training. It took a long time to just get the supplies. (This is more of a frustration)
2) so many people got approved time off for long periods of time so it ended up short staffing us
3) I started studying courses on top of this full time job as I need a way out of this job. So I have very little time as it is on top of doctor appointments, personal time (not much tbh), etc
4) my boss asking me what I had going on when I said I can’t make it to the mandatory time. I truthfully don’t think I have to explain but I did out of courtesy.
I’m really hoping I don’t have to wait to long to find a better job as I’m just tired of this workplace but can’t find anything better without more than a high school diploma