
My step-dad made extremely insensitive comments about a homeless couple

So a few days ago, we were driving home after shopping at the nearby Home Depot. As we rounded the corner to the main road, there was a homeless couple in the grass near the curb holding up a sign asking for help. As we passed them, he began a rant on how there's no way these two can't just “get jobs” and “start taking responsibility”. I found it incredibly disgusting for him to say such a thing. I would have said something but it would have just ended with me getting in trouble again. I should clarify, he didn't say this to them, we had the windows closed and I was the only one he was talking to. I still just find it disgusting and it upsets me that he thinks working harder is always the way out. He's always been this way, has always called me lazy and…

So a few days ago, we were driving home after shopping at the nearby Home Depot. As we rounded the corner to the main road, there was a homeless couple in the grass near the curb holding up a sign asking for help. As we passed them, he began a rant on how there's no way these two can't just “get jobs” and “start taking responsibility”.

I found it incredibly disgusting for him to say such a thing. I would have said something but it would have just ended with me getting in trouble again.

I should clarify, he didn't say this to them, we had the windows closed and I was the only one he was talking to. I still just find it disgusting and it upsets me that he thinks working harder is always the way out. He's always been this way, has always called me lazy and told my mother while I was in the room that “these kids have no gumption to get anything done” before, even though he knows I'm on the autism spectrum and struggle to regulate time and especially emotion.

I'm just angry at his lack of emotional intelligence, it hurts knowing this is what he thinks of anyone who's struggling.

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