
Response to “no one wants to work anymore”

I have a coworker that loves to go on rants about “no one wants to work.” They make sure to hit every point about lazy, entitled millenials that they've ever been fed from AM talk radio. They usually follow up with an anecdote about someone they know abusing the system, looking for handouts. Lately, ive just been responding, “Wow, must suck to have such shitty friends. Everyone I know is employed or desperately trying to be.” Her anecdotes dont include her friends anymore

I have a coworker that loves to go on rants about “no one wants to work.” They make sure to hit every point about lazy, entitled millenials that they've ever been fed from AM talk radio. They usually follow up with an anecdote about someone they know abusing the system, looking for handouts. Lately, ive just been responding, “Wow, must suck to have such shitty friends. Everyone I know is employed or desperately trying to be.”

Her anecdotes dont include her friends anymore

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